Adecco Group

Driven by the re-branding of the company, this is the second time Merge is awarded to undertake the design and built of Adecco’s current office in Singapore.

Aimed to merge its multiple subsidiary offices into a single space and increase brand awareness, the new office is designed to facilitate a way of working which, in an ABW environment, is all about flexibility, mobility, choice and efficiency.

Assisting in re-inventing the workspace and work culture, the office transition from an assigned cubicle office towards a open type office to increase collaboration and interaction amongst teams.

This inspired the hybrid workspace, driven by the design concept of Energizing Adecco.

The reception was intentionally angled to create a welcome flow and direction guide inwards to the office where the colours of the Adecco group are prominently found. The turquoise accented walls symbolizing unity within the company creating a representative front of house.

Further into the office is where the various brand recognition can be found. Accented walls angled to follow through on the angles from the front of house keeping the same design language but yet a different user experience through the play of accented colours.

Collaborative spaces are the intentional stand out within this office. Having a mix of formal and informal design elements to break away from the monotony of the office space as well as having relaxation spaces for staff welfare. Consisting of items like message chairs, foosball table and ambient lighting help create a cozy spot for staff to recharge and relax.